Friday, June 15, 2012

Wow. A year? REALLY??

Yep, a whole year. And in the process, I've managed to get a job, work 9 months, be "let go" (just not a good "cultural fit" or somesuch) and now I'm back in the U.S.

It's been quite the ride...and I have learned a lot. Like, for example, this:

Yes, there are people in Thailand who only like us "farangs" for one thing: our dollar$. Just pay the money and go away. That attitude gets really old in a hurry, but one gets used to it.

And, yes, like all places in the world, there are people who defy the odds, the culture, the prevailing winds, and act like perfect gentlemen and -women and treat others with respect, kindness and even a bit of affection. I've had to deal with both.

There are places people should not tread, and sometimes one has to tromp through it to learn that. Then, there are places where a person ought to be careful, but being watchful, learn something and discover something really great among the brambles and confusion. It's a very odd thing to be with a group of people for a short time, get to know so much about them and then leave. There's sort of a short, sharp shock aspect to the whole thing, but then again, it's also rather a relief to be over it when the discovery is made that it just isn't working. And it just wasn't working.

I have much to process about this, and I shall (boy, won't I....for a long, long time to come) but I won't be looking at work quite the same way ever again. I'm rather done with working for people unless I run the whole show. Going to do it my way, my delivery, my quality control, my schedule, my deadlines, my responsibility. Tired of being screwed over by pernicious little giggles in a back hallway that think it's cute to make the big, fat boy run and sweat a lot.

That's not an image I like and I won't be repeating it.